2023 Executive Board

James Dale
V. P. for Development
PVHMC Foundation

Wayne Herron
Executive Director Development
(LB Med Ctr) and Director of Plan Giving
MemorialCare Medical Center Foundation

Luppita Garza

Past President
Lupita Garza, CFRE
Director Development
University Health Foundation

Kimberly Nailon
Director Employee Giving
Palomar Health

Elizabeth Birlet
The Giving Collaborative

Board of Directors & Chairs

Chair, Membership
Connor Bergman
Assistant Vice President
CCS Fundraising

Chair, Communications
Emily Bush, GPC
Corporate and Foundation Relations
Providence St. Joseph Health Foundations
Southern California Region

At Large
Donna Daly
Sr. Consultant
C.I. Partners Direct

Chair, Mentorship
Les Fujimoto
Beverly Hospital Foundation

Chair, Programs & Education
Randall Hallett, JD, MBA, BS, CFRE
CEO & Founder
Hallett Philanthropy

Membership Committee
John Jepson, CFRE
Vice President
Netzel Grigsby Associates

AHP Liaison
Bill Littlejohn
Senior Vice President & CEO
Sharp Healthcare Foundation

Mentorship Committee
Racheal McCabe
Deputy, Chief Development Officer
Office of Philanthropy
Sanford Burnham Prebys

Programs and Education Committee
Gail Summers
Deputy, Chief Development Officer
Vice President of Philanthropy
Dignity Health

Non-Board Position

SCAHD Administrators
Heather Even, CMP, MA
Debbie Even
714-771-3685 – phone
714-908-9777 – fax
Vice President
Maple Street Management
25943 Via Pera
Mission Viejo, CA 92691-2418