SCAHD 2021 Annual Meeting

The SCAHD Annual Meeting was held on Friday, December 3rd, 2021.

The Annual Meeting highlights included the presentation of the
2021 Outstanding Leadership Award to

Lupita C. Garza, CFRE

Senior Major Gifts Officer
Adventist Health White Memorial
Charitable Foundation

Luppita Garza

Educational Event

Featured Education Topic:

The CEO and CDO: How to work together in harmony and for success


The working relationship between a CEO and CDO is critical for philanthropic success. From the grand (the CEO being an active participant in relationship building) to the tactical (what a meeting looks like between the two), the need to work in collaboration can and does make the difference between doing “OK” and helping a hospital/medical center change the health of their community.

In this session, two sets of CEO and CDOs will join the panel to discuss their relationships, roles, communication, and partnerships that led to big successes for their organizations.


Glenn Fosdick
President & Chief Executive Officer (retired)
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Randall Hallett
CEO & Founder
Hallett Philanthropy

Dan A. Ausman
Methodist Hospital of Southern California

Mike Driebe, MSLM, CFRE
Methodist Hospital Foundation


Friday, December 3rd, 2021


11:30am – 1:30pm (PST)


Via Zoom Video Conference

Continuing Education:

1.5 CEs approved by CFRE International

Event Sponsors:

Adventist Health White Memorial Charitable Foundation

Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center

Saint John’s Health Center Foundation

General Sponsors:


The Giving Collaborative

Hallett Philanthropy

Sharp HealthCare Foundation

Thank You to All Our Sponsors!

Annual Meeting Sponsorships:

Interested in sponsorship options?

Reach out to Liz Birlet or Lupita Garza.

Click here for sponsorship information and payment options.