FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2021
Location: Via Zoom
Time: 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Fund Development Strategies for 2021
In this interactive workshop we will learn how to adapt our fundraising strategies to reach success under the current conditions. Learn what’s working and share best practices with your peers in this session encompassing both large and small organizations.

Eddie Thompson, PhD
Founder & CEO, Thompson & Associates
Dr. Eddie Thompson holds a Doctorate from Vanderbilt University. His doctoral dissertation was on successful fundraising methods. His academic achievements include two Master of Arts degrees, a Bachelor of Arts and an Associate of Fine Arts degree. He has served in many capacities with nonprofit organizations, including Assistant to the President, VP of Institutional Advancement, Director of Planned Giving and Chief Executive Officer.
Eddie is the Founder and CEO of Thompson & Associates, the nation’s premier charitable estate planning firm. Thompson’s innovative and proven process is engaging organizations and their donors nationwide. The Thompson & Associates’ team, consisting of over 49 attorneys and experienced professionals, help individuals and families plan to pass their assets to their family and to the organizations they support in a manner consistent with their values and objectives. This unique process resulted in the successful completion of estate plans that directed several billion dollars to charities and billions more to families.