Meeting / Luncheon
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Good Samaritan Hospital
Los Angeles, CA
11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Speaker: Allan Pressel, CEO/founder
PowerSite 123 (formerly CharityFinders)
Topic: “Extreme Social Media Makeover Nonprofit Addition! The Latest Techniques to Attract More Donors, Volunteers and Others”
Allan Pressel (named one of the world’s leading e-philanthropy speakers by the ePhilanthropy Foundation) is a sought-after speaker on 40+ topics, many pertaining to nonprofits’ and business’ strategic use of the Internet — and all have gotten rave reviews.
Allan Pressel (, 310-793-9707) is founder and CEO of PowerSite123 ( – formerly known as CharityFinders – which helps nonprofits and for-profits create world-class websites, social media, and online marketing to further their mission. PowerSite123’s unique “Functionality Management System” enables any organization to have its own powerful website quickly, affordably, and with no technical skills required.
Allan was named as one of the world’s leading e-philanthropy experts by the ePhilanthropy Foundation. He was given the Volunteer Service Award by President George W. Bush. Allan is the co-author of Internet Management for Nonprofits: Strategies, Tools and Trade Secrets.
Previously, Allan was a co-founder of i-Cube, which had a highly successful IPO in June, 1998, and was later acquired by Razorfish. i-Cube was profitable every quarter for 7 years. i-Cube helped large corporations develop an IT/Internet strategy and implement it through software/web development and consulting services — much like PowerSite123 does for nonprofits.
Prior to founding i-Cube, Allan was a technology strategy consultant at Arthur Anderson and First Consulting Group. Allan holds a M.B.A from UCLA’s Anderson School of Management, and a B.A. from Brandeis University, and attended the London School of Economics and London Business School. He has co-founded and sits on the boards of several nonprofits. Allan is also an All-American springboard diver and has visited over 85 countries.
Allan has conducted many hundreds of public speaking engagements all over the world, including in virtually all US states. Allan has been the keynote speaker for numerous national and regional nonprofit and business conferences. He was the keynote speaker at two global nonprofit conferences in Nairobi, Kenya. Allan also presents to for-profit audiences, including presentations on Internet and IT Strategy to thousands of Fortune 500 senior executives through seminars at MIT, Hewlett-Packard, and various industry conferences. Allan has done presentations for the management and boards of over 10,000 nonprofits, with an emphasis on helping them utilize the Internet strategically to help raise more money and further their missions.
- For a partial list of Allan’s speaking engagements, go to: and select SPEAKING then SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS from the menu. - To see Allan’s interview on CNN Headline News
Extreme Social Media Makeover: Nonprofit Edition!
During this life-changing session, we’ll not just talk, but actually DO a mind-blowing demonstration of at least 25 killer tools to get tons of online traffic and revenue for your nonprofit. They are virtually all quick and easy (they better be or there’s no way we’ll get through them all!) and free. See how to instantly transform your nonprofit into a powerhouse!
“Content is king!” That’s the key to success on the web today. To remain relevant, you must create dynamic, compelling content. This can not only drive far more online visitors your way, but entice them to do all kinds of things you want them to do: stay on your site, return to your site, donate and support you in other ways, and refer your organization to their friends and family – initiating exactly the sort of viral marketing that can exponentially expand your fundraising and other outreach efforts.
We’ll explore how to decide which content to create, how to create it (even without typing a single keystroke!), create eye-catching headlines, post your content to blogs, social media, and websites, tweet about it, Facebook, develop irresistible free offers, create landing pages for people to sign up for those offers, use search engines to drive boost traffic, launch campaigns to gain more leads and increase the quality of those leads, and much more! For each of the 25+ steps, we’ll discuss what to do, why to do it, and what tangible and intangible benefits you should expect. More importantly, for each step we’ll actually demo a cool tool enabling you to quickly, easily, and in most cases for free, implement that tool. Each tool may blow your mind. Altogether… well, you might want to wear a hat!
Objectives/Learning Outcomes:
At the conclusion of this session, participants will:
- Understand how social media can help them raise more money, drive more traffic, and produce other desirable outcomes
- Identify specific social media tools to achieve these objectives
- Know how they can implement and exploit each of these tools easily and without technical skills
The Latest Techniques to Attract More Donors, Volunteers, Others
Nonprofits’ efforts to find supporters are rapidly being supplanted by the need for supporters to easily find you. Learn about specific, low-cost marketing and fundraising techniques that will drive more traffic to you online, and increase your “conversion rate” so more of them become donors, event attendees, and other supporters. We’ll examine how to implement inbound marketing by combining techniques like search engine optimization, pay-per-click, blogs, articles, websites, landing pages, calls to action, links, social media, and more to promote and leverage your content, boost online traffic, generate leads, and convert those leads into supporters. We’ll also discuss how to easily measure results to validate that your fundraising programs are working. Learn how to easily:
- Build/maintain an interactive website designed to convert visitors to leads
- Drive online traffic to your website and social media
- Maximize the likelihood prospects can find you
- Keep traffic on your site with lots of functionality (i.e., “stickiness”)
- Convert leads into donations and other forms of support (i.e., “conversion”)
- Track results